Monday, July 29, 2013

Rise from the Ashes

     The phoenix. A bird of fire, born and re-born from its own ashes. It is a symbol of re-birth for those who have made mistakes in life, but are ready to turn it around. 
     I've had clinical depression for around seven years and I've had trouble with self-harm for around four years. Three years ago, Christ came into my heart and completely transformed me. The phoenix has a deep meaning to me. It has a deeper meaning than I can even describe. I've wanted to get this picture tattooed at the base of my neck for around a year now, but I know the stigma that comes with tattoos. 
     Because of Christ, I am new. Because of Christ, I have been re-born. Glory be to God, I am alive. I cannot share in one post how the Lord has changed me, but I hope to explain how Christ has changed me over time.

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